Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wishing Maal Hijrah 1430 n Happy New Year 2009
From the P11 Protem Committee
Friday, December 12, 2008
a. State particulars such as :
- Full name
- Home/correspondence address
- NRIC Number
- Name of Housing Unit/Development (Eg. Unit A10-10-10 Saujana Aster Condominium, Presint 11)
- Name of Bank and address and name of office if you have it
b. Send an email to Faizul with the above particulars requesting for a letter to be sent to the bank. E-mail :
Note that the whole process took about 1.5 months for Saujana Aster Committee Representative Kiren
· Request 25th Oct
· Letter done 20th Nov
· Copy of Letter received on 1st Dec
Click here to see sample letter from Jabatan Perumahan Negara, Kementerian Perumahan.
Put forward by Kiren Aster rep TQWVVMM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Berapa tahun lagi perlu tunggu? Lastest Media about P11
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SEBAHAGIAN pembeli menunjukkan projek pembinaan rumah mereka yang terbengkalai di Presint 11, Putrajaya, ketika ditemui baru-baru ini. - Gambar SAIFUL BAHARI ASHARI |
PUTRAJAYA 8 Dis. - Jika sekali fikir, tidak mungkin wilayah pentadbiran kerajaan di Putrajaya harus menghadapi situasi yang boleh menjejaskan reputasi dan nama baik bandar terpenting itu apatah lagi membabitkan beberapa projek tidak siap.
Tetapi itulah hakikatnya yang berlaku apabila sebanyak 211 pembeli rumah di Presint 11 di sini terpaksa menunggu bertahun-tahun lagi untuk memiliki rumah yang dijanjikan siap tiga tahun lalu.
Projek perumahan yang dulunya dikendalikan di bawah kontraktor Ariff Cerah Sdn. Bhd. (ASCB), anak syarikat Perembajaya Holdings Sdn. Bhd., kini dihentikan tanpa pemaju setelah Putrajaya Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (PJH) menangguhkan hasrat untuk mengambil alih projek itu.
Bimbang dengan situasi itu, beberapa pembeli rumah tampil menyatakan kekesalan mereka atas sikap lepas tangan beberapa pihak yang menghentikan projek tersebut tanpa sebab.
Menurut Pengerusi Persatuan Pembeli Rumah Presint 11, Dr. Abdul Onny Yahya, projek perumahan yang dimulakan pada tahun 2002 itu sepatutnya mula diserahkan kepada pembeli tiga tahun selepas itu.
Bermula dari tahun itu, menurut Onny, pembeli sudah mula membuat ansuran pinjaman perumahan walaupun sekadar bayangan untuk memiliki rumah itu.
Bagaimanapun, hasil keprihatinan kerajaan melalui Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, jelas Onny, pada Mei lalu, pembeli telah dijemput menghadiri mesyuarat bersama pemaju untuk meminta persetujuan membenarkan PJH mengambil alih projek dari ACSB.
"Kami telah bersetuju dan menandatangani perjanjian jual beli yang baru dengan pemaju baru iaitu PJH dengan syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan.
"Berikutan itu, PJH telah diarahkan untuk mengambil alih projek ini seterusnya memulakan kerja pemulihan yang terbengkalai namun sehingga kini PJH masih tidak meneruskan projek ini," katanya kesal.
Onny berkata, kesemua pembeli berasa kesal kerana projek ini masih juga tergendala walaupun syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan telah pun dipersetujui sehinggakan terpaksa menghabiskan masa bagi menuntut hak dan pembelaan.
"Kami sudah bersetuju dengan semua syarat yang ditetapkan jadi tidak ada sebab kenapa ia masih tertangguh," tegasnya.
Projek perumahan yang terbengkalai itu merupakan projek persendirian membabitkan lima buah projek pembinaan iaitu Garden Resort, Amber Homes, Saujana Aster, Citrine S/D yang termasuk pembinaan lot kedai dan ruang pejabat.
"Ada di antara projek ini sudah 80 peratus siap tetapi ada juga yang baru mencapai 30 peratus pembinaannya.
"Kami merayu supaya projek ini diteruskan kerana kami beli rumah ini untuk diduduki bukan untuk tujuan lain," katanya.
Salah seorang pembeli, Azali Adnan, 47, berkata, beliau tidak menyangka sama sekali apatah lagi terlintas di fikiran bahawa projek perumahan di Putrajaya itu akan terbabit dalam masalah projek terbengkalai.
"Saya yakin untuk membeli rumah di sini memandangkan Putrajaya adalah sebuah bandar pentadbiran kerajaan yang tidak mungkin berlaku masalah sebegini.
"Jika terdapat projek tidak siap seperti ini akan memburukkan pemandangan dan memberikan imej yang tidak baik kepada Putrajaya," katanya.
Seorang lagi pembeli, Shafiq Azam, 29, turut menyuarakan kebimbangan jika projek tersebut terus dilengahkan kemungkinan pemaju yang diamanahkan akan diisytiharkan muflis.
"Bagaimana dengan nasib kami jika pemaju itu diisytiharkan muflis?
"Sebelum perkara ini berlaku, kami mohon sangat projek ini diterus dan disiapkan. Kami tidak mahu salahkan sesiapa dan sedia bertemu semula dengan pemaju jika masih tidak berpuas hati dengan syarat yang ditetapkan oleh mereka sendiri," katanya.
Seorang lagi mangsa, Ismadee Ismail, 38, menceritakan kekecewaan keluarga seorang pembeli yang tidak sempat menduduki rumah barunya kerana telah meninggal dunia.
"Keluarga Allahyarham sangat kecewa dengan hal ini, jadi kami tidak mahu pelbagai lagi perkara yang tidak diingini berlaku.
"Ada juga di antara kami akan mendirikan rumah tangga tidak lama lagi, besarlah harapan kami agar projek perumahan ini segera diteruskan," rayu beliau.
Baru-baru ini, masalah projek perumahan terbengkalai di Presint 11 turut dibangkitkan oleh 14 subkontraktor yang terlibat kepada Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, T. Murugiah berikutan tunggakan hutang yang tidak dibayar oleh PJH kepada mereka.
Atas usaha Murugiah mengaturkan satu mesyuarat yang turut dihadiri Biro Pengaduan Awam (BPA) dan subkontraktor berkenaan, PJH membuat persetujuan bersyarat untuk membayar hutang tertunggak sebanyak RM33 juta.
Sebelum itu, kesemua subkontraktor tersebut yang terlibat dengan projek pembangunan 444 unit rumah kuarters kerajaan di Presint 11 di Putrajaya tetapi gagal menerima bayaran daripada PJH telah membuat aduan melalui laman web Warkah Untuk PM.
PJH merupakan pemegang saham sebanyak 30 peratus dalam projek itu bersama Perembajaya Holdings.
Masalah yang dibangkitkan oleh subkontraktor tersebut merupakan projek perumahan membabitkan kuarters kerajaan tetapi mungkin pihak kementerian terlepas pandang bahawa ia turut melibatkan projek perumahan persendirian.
Projek perumahan terbengkalai semakin kerap didengari akibat beberapa pemaju berdepan dengan masalah kewangan. Dalam hal ini siapakah yang harus dipertanggungjawabkan - pemaju atau kerajaan.
Namun yang pasti mangsa kepada masalah ini ialah pembeli yang menaruh keyakinan dan harapan tinggi untuk memiliki sebuah rumah yang selesa bagi membina keluarga setelah berusaha keras dan sanggup berhutang tanpa menjangka hutang perlu dibayar tetapi rumah entah bila siapnya.
Precint 11 gets 'tropical resort !!!! : )
Precint 11 gets 'tropical resort' | |
Putrajaya Corp chairman Tan Sri Samsudin Osman (second from left) taking the guests on a tour of Putrajaya’s community centre. |
PUTRAJAYA: A state-of-the-art community centre designed to cater for the 54,000 residents of Precinct 11 has opened its doors.
The centre's badminton, tennis, squash and basketball courts are now open. More facilities and services will be ready by the end of next year.
Putrajaya Corp chairman Tan Sri Samsudin Osman said the centre has been granted a temporary Certificate of Fitness (CF).
"The kindergarten and food court will only open next year," he said, adding that the swimming and wading pools will also be open next year.
He was speaking at the handing over ceremony to Putrajaya Corp City Development recently.
Division director Mohd Ridzwan Kulub Othman said that the community centre is the sixth project completed by Putrajaya Corp this year.
"The centre is designed to look and feel like a tropical resort," he said.
Samsudin also urged those working in Putrajaya to use the new park-and-ride system in Precinct 7.
"This will help ease the congestion in the administrative capital," he said.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
UPDATES ON PRESINT 11 , PUTRAJAYA Friday 5 December 2008
15 November 2008 : Buyers Meeting at Univ. Putra Malaysia
Discussions on status of project in view of the revocation on the Minister”s Order.
Decisions: i. Follow up the letter to the KSU , KPKT ( sent on 7 Nov 2008)
ii. Write in to the KSN about our problem and note to him about
our earlier letter to the KSU, KPKT.
i. iii. To get help from Putrajaya MP. YB Datuk Seri Tg Adnan
iv. Options to write to the Minister of Housing / PM / DPM
03 December 2008 Pro tem Comm. meeting:
Review: Up to this point, there is no response whatsoever from either the
KSU,KPKT or the KSN offices. In view of this , the Protem comm. decided on the following actions:
To write to the Minister of Housing and the Minister of Federal Territory and cc the letter to the PM and the DPM .to bring their attention to our problem.
To inform the MP for Putrajaya
Our lawyer to write in officially to both PJH and KPKT to get the exact status of the project as neither of these two agencies seems concern in informing us of any development.
To retrieve the report and the feedbacks forms of the survey done on the buyers, from the KPKT.
Future options:
Nationwide exposure using TV
Bringing the matter up in Parliament to get the answers from the responsible agencies.
5 December 2008 – Actions taken as of this date:
i. Letters to the following ministers have been sent with copies to the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister .
Complete with copies of our earlier letters to the KSU/KPKT and the KSN and the summary of chronology of events that have taken place so far.
a.) Min. of Housing & Local Govt.-- YB. Dato’ Seri Ong Ka Chuan
b ) Min. of Fed Territory -- YB Dato’ Seri Zulhasnan Rafique
c ) Member Parliament Putrajaya
YB Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor
ii. Re. letter to KPKT and PJH: Our lawyer will take the necessary actions after the Hari Raya holidays.
iii. The Maklumbalas forms have been retrieved from the KPKT.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sub-contractors still owed RM33m at P11 goverment -project
PUTRAJAYA: The fourteen sub-contractors who are owed RM33 million by Putrajaya Holdings Sdn Bhd have yet another reason to be furious with the government-owned company. Putrajaya Holdings failed to submit a letter to the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) in the Prime Minister's Department on Monday, despite its promise to do that in a meeting with the sub-contractors last Friday. "The manner Putrajaya Holdings is conducting itself does not portray a good image of the government to the public. Sub-contractors still owed RM33mKristina George |
T. Murugiah |
PUTRAJAYA: Fourteen subcontractors are angry at not being paid a total of RM33 million by Putrajaya Holdings Sdn Bhd for developing a government residential area in Precinct 11a and Precinct 11b here.
Officers from the Putrajaya Holdings Sdn Bhd, which was joint venture partner with Peremba Jaya Holding Sdn Bhd, the main contractor of the development project, failed to turn up for the second meeting on Friday to discuss the issue.
Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Senator T. Murugiah said the meeting yesterday was supposed to have resolved this issue but the absent officers made that impossible.
"They only unofficially informed us the day before the meeting by phone that they would not be able to make it as they had another occasion to attend on that day," he said.
"They could have at least sent an officer who is authorised to make a decision as they have a huge number of officers."
"This goes to show that they have no respect for me as a deputy minister in the Prime Minister's office, which is very disappointing," he said.
Murugiah went on to say that at the first meeting held on Nov 14, he was not given an explanation as to why the RM33 million was not paid to the sub-contractors.
"I was told that they needed a week to go through their documents before they presented their case before me but they did not show up for the second meeting," he said.
One of the sub-contractors present, S. Sivalingam, proposed that if Putrajaya Holdings Sdn Bhd did not have the funds to settle the debt, they could instead give the sub-contractors a house each in Precinct 11.
He suggested this to the deputy minister as he was facing eviction from his house in Kajang due to mounting debts.
"I have not paid my housing loan since the project was stopped back in 2004. By the end of December, I would have to make an appearance in court to plead my case," he said.
Another sub-contractor who declined to be named said she had no money to pay her hospital bill when she slipped into a coma.
"I had to depend on the generosity of my friends and family as I had no money. The hospital refused to discharge me because I was unable to pay the bill," she said tearfully at the meeting.
Murugiah said he would be giving the company a week's grace period to come up with the solution to the contractors' problem.
"We will be meeting again next Friday and they had better make an appearance. I am still very disappointed with their lackadaisical attitute and will be bringing this issue up to the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi when I see him," he said.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
- Buyers meeting was held on Saturday 15 Nov 2008 @ 2 pm
Attendees: Garden Resort : 9
Amber Homes: 10
Saujana Aster: 11
Citrine S/D:
Shop Lot: 2
Items discussed and recommendations:
- Buyers briefed on the latest state of affairs in particular related to the revocation of the Ministers Order. and its relations to the issue of buyers right to the LAD in the original S&P with ACSB.
- Buyers briefed on the outcome of the meeting between the Protem comm. and the KSU (and officials ) of KPKT following the revocation of the Order.
- Buyers reminded on the agreed contributions of RM 100 to our joint account.
- Follow up with the KSN on the letters of the KSU and the Protem comm.. to the KSN re reviving the project.
- Look into the possibility of getting the support of the MP for Putrajaya, YB Tengku Adnan.
- May need to go directly to the Minister or the Prime Minister to present our case .
- Lobbying through the Media need to be considered and engaged very carefully as it may be detrimental to our effort.
- We need to solve our problem with some urgency as there is a real possibility that ACSB/PECD may be declared insolvent soon.
Actions so far:
- Letter from the Protem comm on behalf of the buyers, has been sent directly to the KSN on the 21 Nov 2008.
- Media exposure is being arranged but with strict supervision.
- Site visit was done on Saturday 22 Nov 2008 . Photos of the site are posted for info.
- Assessment: after the visit:
- Some work are being done on reviving the project , especially in Garden Resort, Citrine and some Amber Homes. There are definitely some progress in the state of the houses and the surroundings compared to our last visit in June 2008. We were made to understand that workers are attending to the houses everyday so far.
- These findings seemed to conform to PJH commitment to start work on some of the more advanced phases by October 2008, notwithstanding the problem with the Ministers Order.
We need to continue to push harder to get our houses. We need the support of each and everyone in whatever way possible.
Dr Onny
Chairman, Protem Comm.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thank You frm PutraJaya P11 Committee
All items discussed will/have been carried out to get this project restarted.
The Committee Treasurer wishes to thank you to all
who has contributed on Saturday, including those paid via the internet.
For those who have not sent us the lastest Feed back form Nov 08, pls download this file, fill up, sign and date and fax to us 03 40420955 or scan email attach to in order to strengthen our case to restart P11 project. TQ for your support.
Watch out for latest update here.
Thank you for your support from PutraJaya P11 Committee
Sunday, November 9, 2008
UPdate Meeting on the PUTRAJAYA P11
Saturday 15 Nov 08 @ 2 pm.
Venue: Dewan Persidangan, Pusat Pendidikan Luar, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang.
Enter UPM thru main entrance. Pass the mosque on the right, straight on- pass a yellow faculty building on the left - go straight on until the Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication on the left. Turn left into the Pusat Pendidikan Luar. The building is approximately 300 metres from the UPM Mosque.
View Larger Map
Agenda :
1. Briefing on the latest status of the project.
2. Request by the KPKT for another signed declarations re. LAD issue.
3. Collections of contributions of RM 100 from buyers for our group lawyer fees.
4. Other matters
Please contact any of the committee members for any other inquiries.
For those unable to attend the meeting pls download this file, fill up and fax to us 03 40420955 or scan email attach to in order to strengthen our case to restart P11 project. TQ for your support.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Progress Report:
14 August 2008. Meeting at KPKT and decisions:
1. PjH agreed to take over the developement of the project.
2. KPKT will issue the Ministers Order to the effect.
20 August 2008. Warta Kerajaan gazetted (Minister’s Order)
Contestable issue in the Order-
Item 5: PjH still liable to the LAD clause in the old S&P
between the buyers and ACSB.
PjH apparently never agreed to this provision.
The AG Dept. felt that it was “ ultra vires “ on the part of KPKT.
PjH applied for Judicial Review on the Ministers Order. This was scheduled to be heard on the 23rd Oct.08.
KPKT revoked ( withdrew ) the Ministers Order on the 15th Oct 08
Pro tem comm.. of P11 sent in the letter representing our stand on the matter to the KPKT on the 20th. Oct. 2008. Highlighted and emphasized was the buyers stand ( more than the required 80% ) to forgo our right to claim that LAD from the new developer ( PjH ).
We did not receive any response.
04 November 2008 Protem comm. meeting with KPKT
Briefing on the latest status of the project.
We are literally back to square one.
We expressed our dissapoinment as we, the buyers have already agreed to waive that claim from the new developer (PJH )
Decisions made at end of the meeting:
KSU of KPKT will try to revive the negotiations by writing and discussing this issue with the KSN He hope to convince the KSN to direct the PjH to continue with the project,
KSU requested our help in getting ALL BUYERS to commit again ( in writing ) to the stand that we will not be claiming that LAD from PjH.
A meeting of ALL BUYERS for this purpose is being arranged as soon as possible . Look out for details and we hope to get your full cooperation.
Prepared By Protem comm.: 5th November 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
PutraJaya P11 Maybank Account has been set up.
The bank account is ready: MAYBANK ( Subang Jaya SS15 ) Acc. No: 512222122661
Cheque to be written in favour of :EITHER
Or you can sent via Maybank2U
Pls keep your receipt or print it out and write your name on the receipt.
Fax to us 03 40420955 or scan and emailed attached to
Receipt will be issue upon monthly account consolidation. TQ
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya frm Santira
Santira Ramasamy ProTem Committee :
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Selamar Hari Raya frm KHAIRUL BARIAH BIBON
We would like to wish a blessed Eid Saed Eid Mubarak
an even blessed Eid Fitr to everybody.
Drive safely & Eat healthily.
Zainal Mubarik Zainuddin
Khairul Bariah Bibon
Nur Amanina Zainal Mubarik
Nur Syafiqah Zainal Mubarik
Nor 'Aqilah Amani Zainal Mubarik
Nor Syaza 'Irdina Zainal Mubarik
KHAIRUL BARIAH BIBON (Citrine unit owner)
E-mail : or
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya 2008

Selamat Raya Raya to all my house owners friends @ P11 Putrajaya..
Again this year no open house @P11 but I am thankful for the good health and welbeing bestowed on us.
SELAMAT HARI RAYA Maaf zahir & batin from Pakzali, Salina, Aishah Zubaydah, Nasha Amirah, Ammar Syarif and Amin Qais.
Name: Izani Zainol (Joe)

Owner of: Amber Homes P11
Greetings: Saya ucapkan selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa seterusnye menyambut hari lebaran aidilfitri. Semoga kite lebih insaf dalam menjalani ramadhan kali ini.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Say your Selamat Hari Raya Greeting here.
Here how it works.
Sent an email to with your Hari Raya message with your name , special greeting and which unit you owned (Amber , Aster..).
If you have photos pls,pls sent them, we want to see faces behind the names. ( files size <2mb jpeg , png or gif pls).
Pakzali will organized and put up on the blog for all to see.
GET started now. Selamat Hari Raya 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September Kementrian Perurumahan Meeting
So we are still waiting patiently for the minutes of the meeting sometime this week and the new S & P.
As of today the total contacted and responded by the buyers exceed 80%.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Looking for mouth watering Ramadan Recipies
Selamat berbuka puasa for all Muslim friends.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Selamat Berpuasa to all muslim house owners .
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Dengan segala hormatnya saya merujuk perkara di atas.
2. Bersama-sama ini disertakan Minit Mesyuarat Membincangkan Projek Perumahan di Presint 11, Putrajaya yang telah diadakan pada 14 Ogos 2008 di Jabatan Perdana Menteri untuk makluman dan tindakan Y. Bhg. Tan Sri / Dato' / Datuk / Tuan / Puan selanjutnya.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Ketua Pengarah
Jabatan Perumahan Negara
Saturday, August 16, 2008
To see results pls click HERE
TQ to Kiren for figures
To see matters discuss on 9 August Meeting , pls click here
A Big thank you to all who help in getting the result for KPKT.
We are now waiting for the minutes frm the latest KPKT meeting plus the finalised S & P.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Thanks to all for coming to 9 August meeting
To all the house buyers thank you for your support in coming to the meeting.
The new S n P will be finalised very soon as all the terms and conditions are corrected and updated. Please watch out in this blog, we need to contact the rest of the house buyers to make up 80% to get this project restarted ASAP.
Please let all the house buyers at P11 knows about this.
Dr Onny Yahya
No. 11, Jalan USJ 2/1
47600 UEP – Subang Jaya,
Selangor D.E.
Thank you once again
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
P11 Putrajaya House Buyers Urgent Meeting : S & P finalised

This will enable us to speed up the process in getting the project restarted. Your cooporation is vital.
Date : Saturday 9 August 2008
Place: Pusat Bahagian Penguatkuasaan,
Jabatan Perumahan Negara, Aras 3, Blok B Utara,
Pusat Bandar Damansara, 50782 Kuala Lumpur (next to Pizza Hut)
Time 2.30 pm
Dr Onny Yahya
No. 11, Jalan USJ 2/1
47600 UEP – Subang Jaya,
Selangor D.E.
Please RSVP to
Dr Onny 019-3363159 : Pakzali 017-3494081
or any other committee member ASAP
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Urgent meeting for all buyers of Presint 11 Putrajaya
PLEASE ATTEND 2 August 2008 Meeting
Date : Saturday 2 August 2008
Time 2.30 pm
Venue: Dewan Serbaguna
Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan & Koperasi (MECD Building)
No. 18, Presint 2, Persiaran Perdana
1. Welcome address by the Chairman
7. Old LAD from ACSB Appeal letter to PM
Cost and Legal fees
Dr Onny
Look out for the Millinium Monument (tall bullet-like structure) on your right near the river.
call / sms 017-3494081
Click below to see map of Putrajaya Goverment buildings
OUR story in The Star Metro M6 1 August 2008 click to see
PJH has rejected our request for the new developer to be liable for the LD in the original S&P with ACSB. Legally, as the proprietor of project, they are not liable. As in the agreement, only the vendor (ACSB) is legally liable.
The Protem Comm. met and decided to pursue this matter by appealing to the PM and cc. the appeal letter to KSN, KSU of KPKT PjH, ACSB / PECD.
For this we need to all buyers to agree and sign the appeal letter.
The appeal letter is posted / attached here for info. Signature can be done via 4 methods
In person at our 2 August Meeting @ PutraJaya
By Faxing to us at 03-40420955
By scanning the form and email attached to or any committee member.
sign and post it to the committee chairman ASAP @ add:
Dr Onny Yahya
No. 11, Jalan USJ 2/1
47600 UEP – Subang Jaya,
Selangor D.E.
If you are unable to come to the meeting, please download the above forms, print out, sign and fax to 03 40420955 or scanned and email to ASAP
ANS : They are 211 registered buyers and they comprises of double story link houses, condominium and semi D houses.
2. Will this project be restarted?
ANS: The project has been taken over by a new developer and will be restarted in October 2008 provided the registered buyers sign the new S & P agreement asa soon as possible.
3. Are the new developer goes to increase the price of the houses?
ANS: No they will be NO price increase.
4. Are the house buyers going to pay new legal fees for signing the new S & P?
ANS: NO the legal cost will be borne by the new developer.
5. When will be the new date of completion?
ANS :Due the various stages of completion of the houses, date of completion is within 24 months but the houses in near completion will be completed sooner i.e. Garden Resort. The new developer plans to start in October 2008.
6.How many times have the Kemetrian Perumahan held meetings with the buyers?
ANS: 2 times , one on 18 June 2008 and 31 July 2008
7. Has a Pro Tem Committee being set up?
ANS : Yes there is a protem committee since April 2008, pls refer to the right column of this blog.
8. Is there a lawyer representing the house buyers?
ANS : From the 23 June 2008 meeting , it was suggested a lawyer represent the group. Our group lawyer is:
Zainal Abidin & Co.
1802-1806, !8th Floor, Plaza Permata,
Jalan Kampar off Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur.
Contact person Norhazlina Hamdan : 03-4041 5266
9. Is there an urgency to get the house buyers together?
ANS: YES, the house buyers have to unite before other creditors take action against Arief Cerah and wind up the company. Once the company is wound up, all hope is lost of getting the P11 project restarted and we all lose our beloved homes.
Monday, July 21, 2008
P11 August Meeting
Agenda : Signatures for Appeal letter, updates on new S & P,
appointed lawyer for P11 Home buyers
Date : Saturday 2 August 2008
Time 2.30 pm
Venue: Dewan Serbaguna
Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan & Koperasi (MECD Building)
No. 18, Presint 2, Persiaran Perdana
Look out for the Millinium Mounument (tall bullet-like structure) on your right near the river.
RSVP or any committee member
call / sms 017-3494081
Click below to see map of Putrajaya,101.975766&sspn=17.289658,38.056641&ie=UTF8&ll=2.921488,101.685634&spn=0.004243,0.009291&t=h&z=17
Our P11 house buyer group lawyer is
Zainal Abidin & Co.
1802-1806, !8th Floor, Plaza Permata,
Jalan Kampar off Jalan Tun Razak
Kuala Lumpur.To get LAD template with new ACSB address, click on the below link:
2nd Dialogue with Kementerian Perumahan
There will be a second dialogue with Kementerian Perumahan and other relevant parties, all house buyers are invited to come.
Date : 30th July 2008 (Wednesday)
Time : 9.30am
Venue : Dewan 8, Putrajaya Convention Centre
( PutraJaya International Convention Centre PICC)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Current updates :16 July 2008
- Please submit your Late Delivery (LD) claims to Arif Cerah before 25th July 2008. They are going into receivership so all your claims should be submitted before then for any hope of payment (sample template forms are available on the blog)
- A house buyers committee has been set up comprising of people from the various projects in Presint 11. First meeting was held on July 12th at Dr. Onny’s (Chairman) house in USJ Subang Jaya
- A new Sales & Purchase agreement will be sent out to all purchasers but this has not gone out yet. Please do not sign /agree before our legal team check out the new S & P.
- Email to get softcopy template for LAD
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Satalite Map of P11 frm Outer space

Can u see your house?
Click on the link below to zoom it and find yr beloved home.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
UPDATED 21 July 08 New Arief Cerah Address
New address for Arief Cerah Sdn Bhd Sorry. We don't have their latest telephone n FAX number.
Please register post your letter.
T/t Arif Cerah Sdn Bhd
D 01-09, & D 01-10
Block D, DANA 1 Commercial Centre
Jalan. PJU 1A/46
47301 Petaling Jaya. Selangor D.E.
To get LAD template, click on the link below
Friday, June 27, 2008
Precinct 11 Putrajaya House Buyers Meeting
Dewan Pameran . Kem. Pembangunan Usahawan & Koperasi.
1. New S & P Agreement with PJH :
To get PjH to produce the S&P as soon as possible.
PjH is due to give its decision on the 3rd July 08.
2. Legal Advice:
To appoint a single legal firm to represent all buyers.
To reexamine the status of PjH ( liability and commitments) in the old /original S&P.
PjH equally responsible.
To scrutinize the terms and conditions in the new S&P.
Buyers agree to share the cost of this appointment.
3 Time frame:
Early July 08 – to get reply from PjH re. LD
Mid July 08 - to hold meeting of buyers for update.
Venue, date and time to be decided.
4. Registering an official Residents / Buyers Association
Need to get at least 75% of buyers to agree.
To inform all buyers of this for the next meeting
and the need to attend and agree.
Notice of meeting: Phone/ Blogsite/E mail/ media
announcement etc.
Need to send out proxy forms to facilitate absentees.
Formation of Protem Comm.
Chairman : Dr Abdul Onny Yahya
Dep. Chairman: En.Ismadee B Ismail
Secretary: PuanSantira A/P Ramasamy
Treasurer: En Azali Adnan : Blog Jaga
Phase Representatives:
A. Amber: En. M. Nasir
B. Garden Resort :Puan Zarinah Bt Mat Jailaini
C. Citrine : En Zainal Mubarik Zainudin
D. Aster : En Ryan, Puan Asnah, Cik Jagkiren Kaur, Puan Rozika
E. Shoplots: En. Syafiq Azam
Summary of Options:
1) Pursue issues with PjH to the max. limit.
2) i.e. Get the house and 100% LAD
3) Failing this, agree to the new S&P. and get the house first
4) Compensation? – individual. Please submit claim now to
ACSB before it is declared insolvent.
Amended by Dr Onny
Thursday, June 26, 2008


TERIMA KASIH to all Precinct 11 Putrajaya Houser buyers for coming to the Saturday Meeting.
It was a fantastic crowd of buyers with one focus in mind start back the project.
We, new ProTem Committee wish to thank you all for renominating and adding new members to get started our house project.
We shall follow the time line set and will forge forward accordingly.
Pls keep yourself updated by visiting this blog.
A BIG Thank U 2 Zarinah for organising the meeting venue and light refreshment.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Place : Kementrian Usahawan n Koporasi
Dewan Pameran Mezzanie Floor , Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan
Dan Koperasi (MECD BUILDING)
( See map below, click to enlarge or print out)
The landmark is the Mellinium monument. Watch out for signs.
Date: Saturday 21 June 2008 ati10 AM
Purpose of this meeting is to hold discussing on the future of our homes and feedback frm Thursday meeting..
KPKT has never move this fast to restart a project.
Remember there are other housing project with NO solution in sight and have problems for years.
Pls COME , TELL ALL..This is to get back our beloved homes.
Light refreshment by provided Zarinah (TQ)
RSVP Dr Onny 019 3363159 : PakZali 017-3494081 sms or call.

Friday, June 13, 2008
Lastest June 12 P11 Meeting with KPKT
The following information were derived from the latest meeting / briefing:
Thursday 12 June 2008 at 2.30 pm
Kementerian Perumahan and Kerajaan Tempatan, PBD, KL
Attended by: 1. Officials of KPKT
2. Ariff Cerah Sdn Bhd (ACSB ) ( present developer )
3. Putrajaya Holdings ( PjH ) ( new developer )
4. Representatives of buyers :
- Dr Onny .. Garden Resort
- Puan Rozi ….Garden Resort
- Puan Zarinah. Garden Resort
- En.Azali ……..Amber Home
- En. Ryan .......Aster Condo.
- Puan Azilah ..Aster Condo
1. Project to be taken over by PjH.
2. Project work to commence in Oct 2008 and completion and handing over varies with the different zone and phase. Earliest 12 months .
3. PjH will need ALL the buyers to sign a new S & P Agreement with PjH.
Terms and conditions will be about the same as the old S&P Agreement.
Legal, documentation and other costs will be borne by PjH
New standard LAD clause will be incorporated .
The date of conversion from the old S&P Agrmt. to the new S&P Agrmt. will be finalized soon.
The actual cost of the house will be the same.
PjH will undertake to inform the end financiers ( banks and other financial institutions ) of the buyers of the change of the developer.
4. The LAD clause in the old S&P Agreement with ACSB will remain
binding. Buyers are free to submit and institute their claims to ACSB anytime, even now, before signing the new S&P Agreement with PjH.
1. The representatives present generally welcome these developments and thank the parties involved in the effort to solve the problem. But we were not mandated to accept these decisions on behalf of all the other buyers.
2. We request that PjH expedite the official S&P Agreement as soon as possible for us to examine ,consider and decide.
3. We request that ACSB inform all the buyers of the latest status of the project , informing them of the positive developments.
4. We undertake to help by trying to inform and explain to all the buyers of these latest developments. We are organising a meeting for this purpose:
Please attend.
Saturday 21 June 2008 at 10 AM
Dewan Serbaguna , Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan
Dan Koperasi
No. 18, Persiaran Perdana , Presint 2, Putrajaya.
Points to consider:
1. The new developer , PjH, needs the agreement of ALL the buyers .
2. All considered , this appears to be the best option.
3. Instituting legal action against ACSB will be self defeating. Should ACSB be declared insolvent, the whole project will be frozen for good.
4. Need to consider forming an official “ Precint 11 House Buyers Association.”
Dr Onny