Thursday, February 5, 2009

Minister's Order for P11

P11 Update:
i. The new Minister's Order has been gazetted on the 23rd.January.2009
Putrajaya Homes ( PJH ) is to take over the development of the stalled project in P11 from ACSB with immediate effect.
PJH and ACSB will laise with the govt .( KPKT/ Jab Perumahan Negara ) and the buyers as regards to all the technicalities ( including the new S&P )
PJH will submit their working schedule to the KPKT within 2 weeks of the "order"
ii. The Protem comm. will follow up on this development and will keep the members updated from time to time.
Dr Onny.

1 comment:

Tou Boon said...

At last ... let's hope that PJH will expedite the completion of the project. Servicing our bank loan is a burden...